About Bryan English
Engineering Manager

Bryan English is a Node.js, Rust, and C++ developer, currently an Engineering Manager at Datadog, responsible for Datadog's Node.js and C++ APM client libraries. He's also a Node.js core collaborator and releaser, and has been working with Node.js since its inception and with its internals since 2015. Bryan co-authored _Multithreaded JavaScript_, an O'Reilly book.

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About Daniel
About Bryan English
Engineering Manager
Université du Québec

Daniel Lemire is a computer science professor at the Data Science Laboratory of the University of Quebec (TELUQ). He is among the top 500 GitHub users worldwide and has published over 80 peer-reviewed research papers. He is an editor at the journal Software: Practice and Experience,

Bryan English is a Node.js, Rust, and C++ developer, currently an Engineering Manager at Datadog, responsible for Datadog's Node.js and C++ APM client libraries. He's also a Node.js core collaborator and releaser, and has been working with Node.js since its inception and with its internals since 2015. Bryan co-authored _Multithreaded JavaScript_, an O'Reilly book.

with Daniel
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with Bryan
This is some text inside of a div block.
This is some text inside of a div block.
A New Way to Call Native Code in Node.js
Node.js Core, Open Source, Wild Ideas
Node.js users have long needed to call native code. Sometimes for performance, sometimes for interacting with closed-source libraries. Finally, Node.js has an FFI system, enabling the usage of native code without complicated C++ binding code or additional compilation steps. This talk will cover the evolution of calling native code in Node.js, why FFI is a compelling feature, the long path to getting it available in Node.js core, and what's possible with this new functionality.
  • Date: 07 Nov 2023
  • Time: 09:00 GMT | 08:00 UTC
  • Length: 25 minutes
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