About Daniel Ehrenberg
Software Engineer

Daniel Ehrenberg is a software engineer on Bloomberg’s JavaScript Infrastructure and Tooling engineering team. He serves as the Vice President of Ecma International and contributes to Ecma TC39, the JavaScript standards committee. Daniel has dabbled in WebAssembly and web standards as well, while at Bloomberg as well as in previous positions at Igalia, a free software cooperative, and at Google on the V8 team, the JavaScript engine in Chrome.

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About Daniel
About Daniel Ehrenberg
Software Engineer
Université du Québec

Daniel Lemire is a computer science professor at the Data Science Laboratory of the University of Quebec (TELUQ). He is among the top 500 GitHub users worldwide and has published over 80 peer-reviewed research papers. He is an editor at the journal Software: Practice and Experience,

Daniel Ehrenberg is a software engineer on Bloomberg’s JavaScript Infrastructure and Tooling engineering team. He serves as the Vice President of Ecma International and contributes to Ecma TC39, the JavaScript standards committee. Daniel has dabbled in WebAssembly and web standards as well, while at Bloomberg as well as in previous positions at Igalia, a free software cooperative, and at Google on the V8 team, the JavaScript engine in Chrome.

with Daniel
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with Daniel
This is some text inside of a div block.
This is some text inside of a div block.
AsyncContext: Observability in JavaScript through TC39 and WinterCG
Node.js Core, Wild Ideas
To measure the performance of distributed applications, it’s useful to see where an operation comes from, chain them together, and build a distributed trace. OpenTelemetry calls these ‘span IDs’. But how do you keep track of the current span in JavaScript? Node.js’s AsyncLocalStorage is one option that can work, but it is missing in some places (e.g., the browser) and has a performance cost associated with it. This talk introduces AsyncContext, a mechanism to make this possible across all JavaScript environments. AsyncContext is being proposed as a standard, in a collaboration between TC39 and WinterCG.
  • Date: 08 Nov 2023
  • Time: 11:00 GMT | 11:00 UTC
  • Length: 25 minutes
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